About us

The year 2000 is a useful date for the foundation of our dulcimer band because it is not dificult to remember.

At the very beginning, our group counted only a few musicians coming from different folklore parts of Moravia who met in Brno during their studies and started to play together. This period is represented on the CD by set of "hanackoslovacke skocne" songs with Jara Kovarik from Kobyli.

After some time, some musicians altered, our band got some experience and gained its present image. Uherskobrodsko, Hanacke Slovacko, Podluzi, Zalesi, Valassko, Brnensko, Lassko - these all are the regions which the present musicians of Smytec come from. Everyone of us tries to bring their deal of regional influence to the group. Thus our repertoire is really wide.

Recently, we are mainly intersted in the regions of Moravske Slovacko and Hanacke Slovacko. Our band closely cooperates with another folklore group Zavadka from Cejkovice. Soloists Jana Travnickova and Michal Janosek also come from Cejkovice, respectively Vrbice (Hanacke Slovacko region). Although each of us has different folklore roots and various ethnical background wee have always been trying to find a common musical language, inspire one another and simply enjoy music. And whether we are doing well? Let the kind listener judge himself.

The musical and dancing repertoir is almost unlimited. Members of the ensemble come from different parts of Moravia, that is why regions of Moravian Slovakia, Walachia and neighbouring Slovakia have become their main sources. However, the ensemble is open also to other new impulses originating even in the opposite side of Czech Republic.

We hope that you will come and spend with us a pleasant time full of nice folk music, singing and dancing.

Mr. Alexandr Luzny, Ruzenec 10, 644 00 Brno-Sobesice
The Czech Republic, Cell: +420 731 437 797
SKYPE: alexandrluzny
E-mail: smytec@smytec.com, www.smytec.com

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